Pine Consulting Group

Code of Ethics Policy

  1. Introduction

This Code of Ethics outlines the principles and guidelines that all employees, contractors, Board members, shareholders and stakeholders are expected to follow in their interactions and decision-making.

Our Company firmly believes that its success is the outcome of the conduct of each and every member of the Company. Our Company has applied best practices which promote effective Corporate Governance and appropriate individual behaviour within a framework of the highest level of ethics. The Company is committed to maintaining the highest standards of ethical conduct in all aspects of its operations.

  1. Core Values

Pine Consulting Group Limited is guided by the following core values, which serve as the foundation of our ethical principles:

  • Integrity: We are committed to honesty, transparency, and doing what is right, even when it is challenging.
  • Respect: We treat all individuals with dignity, fairness, and respect, valuing diversity and inclusivity.
  • Teamwork: We work together to get the job done.
  • Objectivity: Don’t make career decisions based on whom you like best.
  • Corporate Responsibility: We accept responsibility for our actions, decisions, and their consequences.
  • Accountability: We are accountable for upholding our ethical standards and taking corrective actions when necessary.
  • Growth: Always pursue professional growth.
  1. Compliance with Laws & Regulations

All individuals associated with Pine Consulting Group Limited are expected to comply with all applicable laws and regulations governing our activities. Violations of these laws and regulations will not be tolerated.

  1. Conflicts of Interest

The Company has entrusted us with the responsibility to advance its legitimate interests when the opportunity to do so arises. Company property or information must never be used for personal gain or personally take for ourselves any opportunity that is discovered through our position with the Company.

Employees and stakeholders should avoid situations that could create a conflict of interest between their personal interests and the Company interests. If such conflicts arise, they should be disclosed promptly.

Determining whether a conflict of interest exists is not always easy to do. Employees with a conflict-of-interest question should seek advice from their supervisors and/or executive management. Before engaging in any activity, transaction or relationship that might give rise to a conflict of interest, employees must seek review from their managers or the HR Department.

  1. Confidentiality

Essential to the Company business success is the protection of confidential and proprietary company information, as well as non-public information entrusted to employees, customers and other business partners and stakeholders. Information received in the course of one's Company work and responsibilities should be kept confidential at all times and shall not be disclosed to unauthorized individuals, both during and after their affiliation with the organisation.

Confidential and proprietary information includes such things as pricing and financial data, customer names/addresses or non-public information about other companies, including current or potential suppliers. Employees and stakeholders shall not disclose confidential and non-public information without a valid business purpose and proper authorisation.

  1. Gifts & Gratuities

Accepting gifts, favours or gratuities from individuals, organisations or entities with which the Company does business may create conflicts of interest. Employees and stakeholders should exercise caution and seek guidance when faced with such situations.

The Company is committed to competing solely on the merit of our services. The Company is bound to avoid any actions that create or might create a perception that favourable treatment was sought, received or given by the Company in exchange for personal business courtesies. Business courtesies include gifts, gratuities, meals, refreshments, entertainment or other benefits from persons or companies with whom we do or may do business. The Company will neither give nor accept business courtesies that constitute, or could reasonably be perceived as constituting, unfair business incentives that would violate any law, regulation or Company or customers policies or would cause embarrassment or reflect negatively on the Company’s name and reputation.

  1. Fair Competition

Our Company is committed to fair and ethical competition. We do not engage in unfair or anti-competitive practices, including price-fixing, bid-rigging, or market manipulation.

  1. Harassment & Discrimination

We maintain a workplace free from discrimination, harassment, or any form of unfair treatment. We respect the diversity of our workforce and uphold anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policies.

  1. Reporting Violations

Employees and stakeholders are encouraged to report any violations of this Code of Ethics to the appropriate Company channels. Whistle-blower protections will be provided to those who report in good faith.

  1. Consequences of Violations

Violations of this Code of Ethics may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment or business relationships, and legal action if warranted.

  1. Review and Updates

This Code of Ethics will be reviewed periodically and updated as necessary to ensure it reflects the Company values and principles.

  1. Conclusion

Pine Consulting Group Limited is dedicated to upholding these ethical standards and values, and we expect all individuals associated with us to embrace and uphold this Code of Ethics in all of their actions and decisions.

Code of Professional & Ethical Conduct


Mission Statement

At Pine Consulting Group, we believe that our success is established based on the professional and ethical behaviour of our people. Consequently, our reputation, both as individuals and as a firm, depends on it. As HR professionals, we are responsible for adding value to our organisations and contributing to their ethical success. We take on responsibility for our individual decisions and actions. We also advocate for the profession by engaging in activities that enhance its credibility and value.

Our clients place their trust in us and in the work that we do. So, for us, it is paramount that we follow the highest ethical standards by providing services of the highest quality, thus, creating a business environment that reflects our fundamental beliefs, including continuous development and innovation, responsibility, integrity and confidentiality.

Purpose of the Code

Our company is committed to maintaining the highest standards of ethical and professional conduct and competency in HR and recruitment. All members are encouraged to advocate for promoting best practices within the profession and must comply with the standards in this Code of Conduct.

Our Code of Conduct highlights critical characteristics which create an environment reflecting the highest professional and ethical standards.


  • Adhering to the highest standards of ethical and professional behaviour.
  • Measuring the effectiveness of HR in contributing to or achieving organisational goals.
  • Maintaining consistency in our work with the values of the profession.
  • Striving to achieve the highest levels of service, performance and social responsibility.
  • Encouraging the appropriate use and appreciation of human beings as employees.
  • Advocating openly and within the established forums for debate to influence decision-making and results.

Professional Development

As professionals, we must seek to develop our professional knowledge and competence continually.


  • To expand our knowledge of human resource management to understand how our organisations function in depth.
  • To advance our understanding of how organisations work (“the business of the business”).                                                          
  • To learn from appraisals and performance reviews and undertake further education and training, if necessary.


  • Pursuing formal academic opportunities.
  • Committing to continuous learning, skills development and obtaining new knowledge related to human resource management and the organisations we serve.
  • Contributing towards acquiring knowledge, the evolution of the profession and the development of individuals through learning, research and the dissemination of knowledge.
  • Pursuing certification, where available, or comparable measures of competencies and knowledge.

Ethical Leadership

We believe in the need to exhibit individual leadership as a role model for maintaining the highest standards of ethical conduct. 


  • To set the standards and be a role model for others.
  • To earn individual respect and increase our credibility.


  • Being ethical; act ethically in every professional interaction.
  • Questioning pending individual and group actions, when necessary, to ensure that decisions made are ethical and implemented ethically.
  • Seeking expert guidance, if ever in doubt, about the ethical propriety of a situation.
  • Championing the development of others as ethical leaders in the profession and organisations through teaching and mentoring.

Fairness and Justice

As human resource professionals, we are ethically responsible for promoting and fostering fairness and justice for all employees and their organisations.


  • Respect diversity and do not discriminate against people.
  • To create and sustain an environment that encourages all individuals, and the organisation itself, to reach their fullest potential positively and productively.


  • Treating people with dignity, respect and compassion foster a trusting work environment free of harassment, intimidation and unlawful discrimination.
  • Ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to develop skills and new competencies.
  • Providing an environment of inclusiveness and ensuring commitment to diversity in the organisations we serve.
  • Developing, administering and advocating policies and procedures that foster fair, consistent and equal treatment for all.
  • Regardless of personal interests, supporting decisions made by our organisations are both ethical and legal.
  • Acting responsibly and practising sound management in the country (ies) where the organisations we serve operate.

Conflicts of Interest

As HR professionals, we must maintain a high level of trust with our stakeholders. We must protect the interests of our stakeholders and our professional integrity and should not engage in activities that create actual, apparent or potential conflicts of interest.


  • To avoid activities that are in conflict, or may appear to be in conflict, with any of the provisions of this Code of Ethical and Professional Standards in Human Resource Management or with one’s responsibilities and duties as a member of the human resource profession and as an employee of any organisation.


  • Encouraging the use of published policies on conflicts of interest within your organisation.
  • Refraining from using your position for personal, material or financial gain or the appearance of such.
  • Refraining from giving or seeking preferential treatment in the human processes.
  • Prioritising obligations to identify conflicts of interest or the appearance thereof; when disputes arise, disclosing them to relevant stakeholders.

Use of Information

We take into account and protect the rights of individuals, especially in the acquisition and distribution of information, while safeguarding efficient communications and enabling informed decision-making.


  • To build trust among all parts of the organisation by maximising the open exchange of information and, in parallel, eliminating anxieties about inappropriate and inaccurate attainment and sharing of information.
  • To respect the confidentiality of both clients and candidates and comply with the relevant laws.


  • Acquiring and circulating information through ethical and responsible means.
  • Ensuring that only appropriate information is used in decisions affecting the employment relationship.
  • Investigating the accuracy and source of information before allowing it to be used in employment-related decisions.
  • Maintaining current and accurate HR information.
  • Safeguarding restricted or confidential information.
  • Taking appropriate steps to ensure the accuracy and completeness of all communicated information about HR policies and practices.
  • Taking appropriate steps to ensure the accuracy and completeness of all communicated information in HR-related training.